QC Story is a tool of TQM (Total Quality Management), which is intended to solve problems in a structured way. QC story is based on the principle of PDCA, where the nine steps can present the full story of the choice of the case to complete solutions.
QC Story tool is not among the most popular in the world, although in content and purpose, it is the same or identical to the more familiar A3 analysis. Usually, it is formalized on a sheet of paper or even on a billboard or poster. Larger formats, such as 2×2 meters, are popular especially in companies with well-developed visual management.
For a clear and visually displayed case in the form of the story, it allows for a better breakdown of the problem and resolution and especially understanding.
The disadvantage of such impressions is that there is relatively difficult to control information and the database. Therefore we developed a DIGITAL LEAN tool, which facilitates managing information and displaying them on each occasion, on any media, like a computer, or LCD screen.
The solution we named APS – Advanced Problem Solving and made it universal since it can be used in addition to the QC story and also replace other traditional tools such as A3, 8D report. Even more, with APS tool we can implement the projects of chronic losses elimination and other projects based on the PDCA, DMAIC …, more structured and efficient.
What is the purpose of the tools QC story?
Problem-solving is now crucial for any company that wants to be competitive. Instead of merely a corrective or fire campaign, we want to determine the root causes of why a problem occurred and found solutions. This means that we are focused on continuous improvement in all areas, from quality, safety, reliability, cost …
QC story, however, is not merely a problem-solving tool, but also a communication tool. It’s a way to present the problem in a clear and understandable manner to a wider range of employees. So all employees understand the work processes and the root causes of the caused problems. Gradually, in solving problems, all employees begin to include, including operators, which means for them the new challenges in the workplace and creating new higher value-added.